
Database version 3.0 online

As of March second 2020 a new version of the GLdH-database comes online. In 2018 and 2019 owner Nizaar Makdoembaks has produced a new publication on Seventeenth century Suriname. The research for that book also provided new information on a number of plantations. Information present in the GLdH-database has been adjusted where necessary and new links between plantations and owners have been added. In total 20 plantations have been processed for this version 3.0.

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New slavery publication by initiator database

On March first the initiator and owner of the GLdH-database project and this website, Nizaar Makdoembaks, has published a new study on Seventeenth century Suriname entitled ‘Homovervolging in tijden van slavernij Christelijke mensenoffers onder auspiciën van de Amsterdamse Sociëteit van Suriname‘ which freely translates as ‘The persecution of gays in times of slavery – Christian […]

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DSTS website and database now fully available for international researchers

The Dutch Slavery Tax Suriname website is now fully available in English. The result is that the database on the population of enslaved people that is presented here, is now accessible for international researchers. Also new is a search engine which allows visitors to search the database on-line and export results in various formats, while the option to download the entire database is also still available.

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