Finding aids
In order to ensure researchers get the best results from working with the GLdH-database, a set of finding aids was created .
Code sheet
The code sheet explains the column headings used in the database.
Translation aid
The GLdH contain other information on owners than just names. Widows and heirs were listed, as well as for instance collaborations or temporary representation. To stay true to the original data, this additional information has not been translated in the database itself. The list of commonly used terminology below provides all translations needed to determine what a specific extension means. For instance:
de boedel van wijlen de weduwe van ~ = the estate of the deceased widow of ~
Spelling of names
Spelling of names based on seventeenth and eighteenth century sources entails a lot of standardization decisions. There is no universal standard and different publications use varying criteria. The lists below can be used to look up the spelling of an owner or plantation name, as used in the database.