Sources and literature
The content of this website and the database is based on archival sources, online databases and literature.
Generale Lijsten der Hoofdgelden (record tax per capita)
National Archives, The Hague, Society of Suriname, access number 1.05.03, inventory numbers:
227, 228, 229, 231 t/m 261, 263 & 264
Keuringslijsten der Suikeren (record quality control sugar production)
National Archives, The Hague, Society of Suriname, access number 1.05.03, inventory numbers:
233 t/m 236, 239, 248, 251 t/m 256
Inventories and appraisals of plantations
National Archives, The Hague, Suriname: Old Notary Archive, 1699-1829, access number, inventory numbers: 152 t/m 167 & 686
National Archives, The Hague, Collection Foreign Maps Leupe, access number 4.VEL,
inventory numbers 1667 (Suriname by Ottens 1718), 1668 (Suriname by Lavaux 1737) and in addition a large variety of smaller maps and plantation plans within this access number.
National Archives, The Hague, Collection Foreign Maps Leupe: First Supplement
access number 4.VELH, inventory numbers 588 (Suriname by Walraven 1711), 590 (ibid. 1715), 592 (Suriname by Sas 1701) and in addition a large variety of smaller maps and plantation plans within this access number.
Online databases
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Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, Extended Dataset 2016, see:, last accessed 05-04-2019.
Suriname Plantages [database of plantation and family names], see:, last accessed 27-03-2019.
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